Loan Modification Solution

Extend connected capability to offer end customers an intelligent, computerized and on demand loan modification benefit

Easy and quick loan modification is essential to moderate the economic impact of a foreclosure on lenders and borrowers. The developing numbers of loans that run the hazard of default place an inordinate blame on lenders who are already short on trained and qualified crew. Banks continue to look for solutions that can execute the increased volumes of loans, reduce time taken to modify them, meet customer needs and reduce the risk of concession.

Banks are extending their online capability by counting self-service and assisted services as well as automated tools, that aid the loan reconstitution process. Banks are also leveraging the online channel to develop leads for their loss mitigation officers. However there still abide a significant potential to further adorn the online loan modification experience of end customers as well as improve the end to end service.

WTM's Loan Modification Portal solution enables banks to provide customers with intelligent selections of guided flexibility and enhanced clearly to initiate on demand loan modification requests by updating information, selecting and adjusting restructured loan scenarios using online tools, uploading input documents for application assessment and lastly executing loan modification documentation online to complete the process. Our customers have streamlined their loan modification processes to better customer satisfaction, reduced turnaround time and reduced costs.